
There are some options you can use to configure and customize Phake. None of these options are required and Phake can always just be used straight out of the box, however some configuration options are available to provide more convenient integration with PHPUnit and ability to debug your mock objects.

Setting the Phake Client

While Phake does not have a direct dependency on PHPUnit, there is a PHPUnit specific client that improves error reporting and allows you to utilize strict mode with PHPUnit. Without using the PHPUnit client, any failed verifications will result in an errored test. Generally speaking, with PHPUnit, the error result is reserved for bad tests, not failed tests.

The other issue you would run into when using Phake with PHPUnit without using the PHPUnit Phake client is that any test runs utilizing the –strict flag will fail when an assertion is not recorded. By default Phake does not register assertions with PHPUnit. When the PHPUnit client is used however, the assertions are recorded and –strict mode can be safely used with your tests.

To enable the PHPUnit Phake client, you can register it in your test bootstrap.


Setting the Mock Class Loader

When generating mock classes, Phake will load them into memory utilizing the PHP eval() function. This can make the code inside of mock classes difficult to debug or diagnose when errors occur in this code. Using the Phake::setMockLoader() method you can change this behavior to instead dump the generated class to a file and then require that file. This will allow for accurate and easily researchable errors when running tests. This shouldn’t typically be required for most users of Phake, however if your are having errors or working on code for Phake itself it can be incredibly useful.

Phake::setMockLoader() accepts a single parameter of type Phake_ClassGenerator_ILoader. The default behavior is contained in the Phake_ClassGenerator_EvalLoader class. If you would instead like to dump the classes to files you can instead use the Phake_ClassGenerator_FileLoader class. The constructor accepts a single parameter containing the directory you would like to dump the classes to. The classes will be stored in files with the same name as the generated class.

Below is an example of the code required to dump mock classes into the /tmp folder.

Phake::setMockLoader(new Phake_ClassGenerator_FileLoader('/tmp'));